What is Grace?
Read Time | 48 Seconds
Many people are confused on this subject, they actually think that grace has to do with their sin. They think they can do whatever they want. Grace is the empowering presence of God for your life. Grace empowers you to do the things of the Kingdom. So many people use grace as a license. Grace has nothing to do with your sin. The blood of Jesus has to do with your sin. The blood of Jesus is what destroys the yoke of sin and death. Here’s what grace truly is—the Bible says that grace is unearned, unmerited favor from the King, given to those who are in right standing with God.
When you live in a place of intimacy with God and you’re following His heart, He releases grace to empower your life to live the live He’s meant for you to live. If you’re one of those saying, “I’m just a sinner saved by grace,” you need to understand that’s an identity crisis. You’re not a sinner. You’re a son. God wants you to begin to recognize your authority and recognize who you are.
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Read Time | 52 Seconds - I don't believe that we can walk as Christians without fasting at some point in our lives.