God is on the move! We are so excited to introduce to you the vision for Elisha Revolution. As many of you know we have been in a major transition in our ministry as early in January of 2016 a extended move of God known as The Fire & Glory Outpouring broke out and things have never been the same. As this new website and app are being released we are approaching the One Year Anniversary of the revival in San Diego and we are feeling to extend the meetings all the way through 2017 now.  We will continue to host revival 5 nights a week (Wednesday-Sunday's at 7pm) and host our once a month Fresh Awakening Conferences, as well as our Encounter Nights and School of The Spirit nights each week.

As many of you know, we have been formally known as Living At His Feet Ministry's and have traveled all around the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere we have gone. After traveling to over 50 nations under the banner of Living at His Feet ministries we are feeling at this time that with the growing momentum of The Fire and Glory Outpouring we are to change our name from LAHF to Elisha Revolution. 

Although we will still continue to itinerate and travel to the nations, spreading the fires of revival, as well as host the Outpouring, we believe that God is raising up a double portion generation. 

An Elisha generation who will walk in amazing feats of God's love, power, and glory. They will be those who will demonstrate the power of God through signs, wonders, miracles, and prophesy everywhere they go both inside and outside the church. They will be a generation of revivalist and reformers. Through this coming Elisha Revolution we believe that one of the most powerful generations of the friends of God will rise that the earth has seen.

One of the marks of this double portion generation as well as a significant mark we have been seeing happening at The Fire & Glory Outpouring is that this emerging Elisha Generation will walk in an anointing of family and Glory as well as the power of God. It will be a merging of The generations movement like it's talked about in Malachi 4:5-6.


Malachi 4:5-6 says:

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
And he will turn
The hearts of the fathers to the children,
And the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”


So what does that look like? Through this new website and app you can now tap into the Fire and Glory Outpouring that is happening in San Diego right where you are. You will have access to the best of both Jerame & Miranda Nelson's teachings as they release fresh messages each week on revival and reformation while hosting the Outpouring. Also you will have access to some of the best of both the older generation of Fathers and Mothers (Elijah's) messages and the emergeing Elisha generations teachings as well. Some of the speakers include Bobby Conner, Patricia King, Che Ahn, Mehesh Chavda, Charlie Robinson, James Goll, David Herzog, Sean Smith, Shawn Bolz, Joshua Mills, Jeff Jansen Chad Dedmon, Samuel Robinson and many more. Also you will have access to many of the prophetic teachings from some of the best of the established and emerging voices on Revival and Reformation


Through this website and app you will also have access to the Livestream every night as we host The Fire and Glory Outpouring. You will also be able to check out amazing service moments as we highlight different God moments that happen in the Outpouring. Things like miracle testimonies, prophetic worship moments, and short fiery preaching clips to feed your spirits to know Jesus more. So download the app and check out our new site and join the Revolution of those who will be ignited with the fires of revival and become this next generations history makers who revive and reform the world around them and make Jesus famous on the earth.