Fire & Glory Outpouring Articles
I believe that in 2023, God is going to increase our revelation of Jehovah-Rohi, the Lord our Shepherd from Psalm 23.
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:1-3 NIV
There is no lack with those who are hanging out with their Shepherd. Start expecting to see Him, to see your miracle!
Fasting is not just about killing your flesh, it’s about filling yourself. If you think fasting is just not eating with no prayer, then what you are really participating in is a cool diet.
When you fast, think about your normal eating schedule. You might have breakfast, lunch, dinner, some snacks in between those meals or even a snack at night! Every time you fast, replace all of your normal meals and snacks (or whatever you choose to fast) with spiritual activity. Participate in things like prayer, time in the word and worship. Spend time in His presence and in His love and seek His heart.
"‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’” Acts 2:17 NIV
The end time plan is that God will pour out His spirit on all flesh. It will look like dreams, visions, prophecy, salvations, signs, wonders and miracles. This is revival! It is an open heaven where the revival rains come. When the rains come, people encounter God. The rain is the presence of God. The rain softens our hearts that the seeds of His promises will be planted in good soil. The revival rains bring refreshing. God wants to give us an unusual intimacy that comes from the rain. When these rains of revival are released, God accelerates the harvest of the grain, oil and wine. He wants to release these three things over the entire church. It’s for you!
There are a lot of people who know a lot of things about Jesus. They’ve become “celebrity mindset christians”! Let me show you what I mean: In today’s world, many people follow celebrities on Instagram or Twitter. They know everything about their favorite celebrity’s life, their car, their favorite restaurants, their mannerisms. They act like the celebrity is their best friend. But if you talk to them one-on-one, you realize that they don’t really know that person at all. They only know about them.
You hear us constantly reminding you to spend time with Jesus and develop your intimacy with Him! Here’s how! I want to share with you four practical ways to spend time with God:
1. Meditate on God’s Word
“pray without ceasing;” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Prayer can be the fuel that ignites our intimacy with God. I want to share with you three powerful types of prayer that we can engage in that will grow our intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and bear much fruit:
Paul told Timothy not to neglect the spiritual gifts that were stirred up inside of him as he laid hands on him. He also encouraged Timothy to wage a good warfare with the prophetic words that were spoken over his life. I want to encourage you on your journey of spiritual impartation! I want to share with you how you can step into a culture of impartation at your church, ministry or home!
We are in a season of fresh oil. Jesus wants to fill you with the Kingdom of God on the earth as it is in Heaven. When you have His oil, it works everywhere! It works on the golf course, in your home, at your work, at the store, on yourself! Speak to mountains. Speak to things happening in your life. There’s an oil of breakthrough God wants to release in this generation!
Fire & Glory Outpouring Schedule
Fridays & Sundays at 7pm
(Livestream & In-Person Encounter Nights)
Doors open 6:30pm
In-Person Location
Elisha Center 2135 Industrial Court Vista, CA 92081
Early in 2016, God released an outpouring marked with fire and glory that caught the attention of nations around the world. We are still pressing in deeper than ever before every Friday & Sunday night. Download the FREE Elisha Revolution and join us for every session live!