How Should I Fast? (1min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
Fasting is not just about killing your flesh, it’s about filling yourself. If you think fasting is just not eating with no prayer, then what you are really participating in is a cool diet.
When you fast, think about your normal eating schedule. You might have breakfast, lunch, dinner, some snacks in between those meals or even a snack at night! Every time you fast, replace all of your normal meals and snacks (or whatever you choose to fast) with spiritual activity. Participate in things like prayer, time in the word and worship. Spend time in His presence and in His love and seek His heart. For more insight on how to do this, check out my article “How Do I Spend Time with God?”
Check out Jerame’s message “How to Walk in the Ascended Life” from Night 1590 of the Fire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego, CA!
When you fast, fill your spirit. Your spirit absorbs the nutrients of God’s spirit in your life. You begin to receive things like wisdom, revelation and understanding. As you do this, your spirit man becomes stronger than your natural man. God is looking for those who are fasting to feast upon Him. He wants us to replace our natural food with the supernatural food from Heaven!
Keep It Simple…
Get with God. Fast by feasting in His presence and receive the fullness of Christ.
You are called to be a bold believer burning passionately for His glory! For more in-depth training, purchase the “Burning Ones” Training Lab with Jerame Nelson.