3 Keys to Walk in Your Identity (4min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
One of the greatest things we have to learn as the sons and the daughters of God is walking in our identity! In fact, the enemy wants us to chase after other peoples’ destinies and callings. He wants to distract us with trying to be someone we’re not or pursuing the riches of this world or fame. Here are three keys to walk boldly as a son or daughter.
Key #1: Receive God’s Affirmation.
When Jesus was baptized right before He was launched into His ministry, God spoke identity over Him.
And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” | Matthew 3:17 NIV
If the Son of God could not enter His ministry from a place of identity, then we certainly can’t. We must live out of that place of pleasure from the Father.
We’re all in different seasons, callings and plans. Don’t spend your life trying to go after the next ‘who’s who” and chase after a call or a destiny or a title that’s not you. Get with the Lord in the secret place. Let Him speak to you. Let Him show you what He has for you and as you do that God will release favor on your life.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” | Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Just like the Father spoke over His Son, God wants to speak over you! He doesn’t want robots. God wants His sons and daughters to walk in their own unique calling!
Key #2: Honor the Fathers and Mothers who Have Gone Before.
A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. | Proverbs 13:22
One of my spiritual papas is Bob Jones. One time, I went to see him speak and spend time with him in Cincinnati, Ohio. I wasn’t there to minister, but he called me on stage. He told me to pray and prophesy. So I went for it! We saw someone get healed. I prophesied over someone else and I was getting excited! All of a sudden, Bob Jones told me, “Sit down and shut up, boy!”
I sat on the front row wondering if I made a mistake and he kept looking at me, smiling when he was preaching. At the end of his message we were all taken to a back room and he made everyone leave the room but me.
“You know why I kicked them all out? You’s one of the new breed. You guys get away with everything. You are a ‘spoon-fed prophet.’ In 1975, if I would have prophesied wrong, they would have said I was a false prophet. You spoke in tongues up on stage. If I would have done that in 1975, they would have said, There’s no interpretation, You’re out! You guys get in three and a half years what has taken me forty years. Do you know how I feel about that? I love it because I’m a papa.”
God designed it that way. The key to the double anointing is to honor those who have pioneered the path before! If you can do that, God will give you an inheritance. Everyone has a mantle and I believe that I have received impartations from fathers and mothers because I honored God and honored my spiritual papas and mamas.
You will never learn the double portion if you don’t move in honor. Let’s honor the fathers and mothers who have gone before us and honor the prophets of old.
Key #3: Grow in your Calling.
Watch Miranda’s powerful sermon on Living Out of Sonship from Fire & Glory Outpouring Night 918!
If you know what you’re called to, be faithful to study it out. Show God, you’re hungry! I studied the scriptures and past revivals and revivalists. Learn from the forerunners. If you’re called to healing, look over every scripture in the Bible on healing and miracles. Research the men and women of faith in history who walked in healing! Go lay hands on people. If you hear a sneeze, you’re on it! Step out in faith knowing that God has your back when you are doing what He has called you to!
If you don’t know what you’re calling is, be with Jesus. Your simple yes and yieldness to Him will change everything. The more you’re with Him, the more He rubs off on you and you begin to be like Him. It starts with your passion and desire for Him. If you’ve lost your first love, you can have it! If you’re on fire, He will give you more!
Don’t Overcomplicate It…
It’s all about intimacy with Jesus. Feel the Father’s pleasure, grow in your calling and honor those who have gone before. When you grow in your intimacy with Jesus, you can’t help but grow in your identity as a son and daughter of the Most High!
My wife, Miranda, wrote an awesome book on purpose, provision and identity. To learn more about taking your rightful place in history from a place of sonship, get her book “Take Your Place In the Kingdom.” Use promo code “TAKEYOURPLACE” to get 50% off today!