3 Keys to Overcome the Fear of Man (4min)


Article by Jerame Nelson

It’s not about what someone else thinks. It’s about your relationship with the King. Here are 3 keys to overcome the fear of man and walk in the fear of the Lord!

Key #1: Walk in righteousness.

Receive Jerame’s prayer to walk in the Fear of the Lord!

The fear of the Lord is not based on legalism. Its focus isn’t “Don’t do this! Don’t do that!” The fear of the Lord is a worshipful awe of Who God is. I believe that when you fall madly in love with Jesus, you don’t want to hurt His heart. You are motivated to live clean and right. You become a burning one! It’s not just a daily “check it off your to do list” thing. Being with Jesus comes from a place of deep honor and respect. When you live from this place of intimacy, God empowers you to live victoriously. Temptation, sin and fear break off when you begin to live your life not from the approval of man, but from the approval of God.

I want to honor the Lord with all my heart, with all my mind and with all my soul because He’s worthy of it. He’s the King and I’m not. “I’ve tasted and seen that He is good” and I want to live right for the rest of my life. (from Psalm 34:8)

Key #2: Walk in love. 

The Bible says that King David was a man after God’s own heart.

But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.” 1 Samuel 13:14

King David was able to see from God’s perspective and not man’s. When we spend time with Jesus and let Him tear down our walls, the love of God will become our grid. Then, we can walk in love because we begin to see people the way God sees them. We can see potential in people and not just their current process.

I believe there is a whole generation that’s going to walk in love not because someone legalistically told them to, but because they’ve fallen so madly in love with their King that they don’t want to hurt his heart. I pray that you will have that kind of intimacy with the Father. 

Key #3: Walk in boldness.

Living from a place of approval from the Father releases security and boldness. When you are filled with the love of God and filled with His heart for you, there’s a courageousness that comes because you’re living for an audience of One, not for what everyone else thinks. 

The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 NIV

Watch Jerame’s powerful sermon on “The Lion’s Roar” from Fire & Glory Outpouring Night 1328!

Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! When you spend time with Jesus, His anointing comes on you and you will begin to carry that same boldness. Jesus came to the earth to bring salvation, but also to break every yoke of the enemy. That includes fear and the fear of man. 

It shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” Isaiah 10:27 NKJV

Keep it Simple:

You are who you hang out with so be with Jesus! When you are close with the King and in right standing with God, the fear of man has to go! Righteousness, love and boldness will be natural fruits of your intimacy with Him. 

Check out Jerame’s “Burning Ones” Training Lab! It will equip and bless you as you walk in the Fear of the Lord.

Did you know that Elisha Revolution has launched Elisha Labs? Elisha Labs started with a dream God gave to Jerame Nelson where he was wearing a lab coat, working on formulas like a mad scientist. When he woke up, God started speaking to him about starting labs that would activate and equip believers to develop their supernatural identity and authority! If you would like an in-depth training on becoming one of God’s fiery ones who overcomes the fear of man check out Jerame Nelson’s Elisha Lab on becoming a “Burning One.”