3 Reasons to Partner with Angels (4min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
Did you know that you have been assigned at least one angel? What does it look like to partner with the angelic realm?
Angels help to release breakthrough in our lives. I believe that there are different types of angels assigned to individuals based on their calling. Guardian angels protected me in a car accident when I wasn’t even saved yet. I believe they protected me so I could fulfill my call on the earth. If heaven wants to send help, I want to receive it. Here are three reasons you should partner with angels to release heaven everywhere you go.
Reason #1: Use heaven’s help to build heaven on earth.
There are two thirds more angels in Heaven than demons on Earth. That means we win! If we have the right perspective, we don’t have to fear the demonic. God wants to open up our hearts to the things of the Kingdom. If you want to have encounters with angels, meditate on the Word of God and ask the Father to awaken your supernatural senses.
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7 NIV
Reason #2: Angels move in obedience to the Word of God.
Angels are anointed to carry out His Word. The angels don’t do what you want, they do what He wants. It is not our job to command angels around. They are at work with the Father and once we realize that, we can partner with what the angels are doing.
Praise the Lord, you his angels,
you mighty ones who do his bidding,
who obey his word. Psalm 103:20 NIV
Did you know the greatest prayer you can pray is what the Holy Spirit speaks to you?
Watch Jerame’s 6 part message on “Encountering Angels” to learn more about the angelic realm!
Recently, the Lord said I was going to Pakistan. An angel came to me in a vision with a Pakistan flag and I heard the Lord tell me that He’s gonna open up Pakistan. I partnered with the vision and prayed back to Him what He spoke to me: “I thank You Lord that You are going to open up Pakistan.” I told my missions coordinator and he said that I was crazy. If you understand evangelism crusades, you know it usually takes at least one year of preparations.
The very next day, the missions coordinator called me, “You’re not going to believe this! There was a team planning a crusade in Pakistan. The evangelist was double booked, he can’t make it and the crusade is half paid for. That’s $40,000! They want to know if you want it!” Come on! I’m convinced that when I decreed what I saw in the vision, the angels went out and broke open a door when there was no door. If you align your heart with Heaven and obey His voice, angels are released.
Reason #3: Different angels have a wide variety of functions that we should be partnering with.
Once you begin to encounter angels, you can understand more of what is taking place in the supernatural realm and you can partner with it in prayer. When I began to study the angels of the Bible, that’s when I began to see them. Here are some of the angels in the Bible:
Gabriel is a Prophetic Angel who comes to bring announcements and release revelation. Gabriel released revelation to Daniel in the Old Testament and Joseph in the New Testament.
Michael is a Warring Angel. When he shows up, there is breakthrough in warfare.
Guardian Angels keep us safe in our mistakes. (Psalm 91) Angels keep watch over our children. (Matthew 18:10)
Fire Angels remove condemnation, sin, stronghold or inadequacies that hold you back from encountering His presence. (Isaiah 6:5)
Watcher Angels watch over the Word of God to perform it. (Psalm 103:20)
Cherubim Angels release the presence of the Lord. When the cherubim angels show up, the glory shows up. (Ezekiel 10:3-5)
Joy Angels release the joy of the Lord and administer strength.
I believe that if you will begin to study out the angelic breakthroughs in the Bible, you will begin to see those breakthroughs in your own life.
Keep It Simple…
When you fear the Lord, angels are attracted to you. Intimacy with the Father and obedience to His Word is key to experiencing the supernatural realm. Angels move at the Word of the Lord. Once you see them and understand their functions, you can begin to work with them and partner with what God is doing!
I hope this article serves as encouragement to you as you begin to partner with the angelic realm. To learn more and get in-depth equipping on angels, get my book, “Encountering Angels” Use promo code “LOVEOFGOD!” to get $5 off today!