Christ the Priest, the Prophet, and the King (3min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
In the Old Testament, there are three ministries that were appointed and anointed by God: the priest, the prophet and the king. These are three expressions of Christ I believe are to be made manifest in YOU, the church.
Learn more about “Demonstrating the Kingdom” with Jerame Nelson from Fire & Glory Outpouring Night 1422!
Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of each of these roles. He carried each of these three anointings and He wants to release them in your life.
The Priest
In Exodus 30, God anoints Aaron as the high priest. The job of the high priest was to atone all of the sins of the nation on one day of the year. That’s what Jesus did.
In the same way, Christ did not take on himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him,
“You are my Son; today I have become your Father.” And he says in another place, “You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
Hebrews 5:5-6 NIV
The high priest was called to talk to God on behalf of the people. When Jesus died and rose from the dead, He caused that priestly anointing to come upon us. He’s given us the anointing to prophesy so we can talk to God on others’ behalf so they can know that God is real. Just like He did for Jesus, He wants to give you a priestly anointing where you intercede and encounter the Father to hear his voice on behalf of others.
2. The Prophet
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Acts 2:17 NIV
In this verse, Peter was declaring that there would be a prophetic generation that would come forth. Not everyone is a prophet, but each of us has been anointed to be a part of a prophetic generation. God wants to impart dreams and visions to you. He wants to open up your ears to hear and your eyes to see in the realm of the Spirit. Just like God anointed Jesus, He wants to anoint you in the prophetic realm. He wants to give you a prophetic anointing to interpret dreams and understand the spiritual realms of the world so you can tell people about Jesus.
3. The King
He wants to give you a Kingly anointing where you are anointed to rule and reign. Bring the rule and reign of heaven on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus’ disciples in asked Jesus how to pray in Matthew 6 They wanted to see the same miracles as the King of Kings.
“This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’”
Matthew 6:9-10 NIV
Kings rule their kingdom with authority. Kings have victories over other kingdoms by their power. Jesus was the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and He overcame sin, sickness, temptation, disease. He stripped the devil of his authority and gave us power to overcome the enemy. Our kingly rule looks like ruling over the flesh, our natural limitations and the injustices on the Earth.
You can change the world with the ideas of Heaven.
We overcome darkness by releasing God’s power. God is raising up a generation who will influence. They will walk in authority and dominion over darkness. They will not live with the ideologies of Earth, but they will live out Jesus’ prayer in Matthew 6, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” It’s not about our will being doing and our kingdom being built. It’s about what God’s throne and the Kingdom of Heaven. Find out God’s plans for your life, your city or family, school or region. Follow after the counsel that He gives you and you will begin to release the Kingly rule and watch supernatural change come in the natural.
Receive this prayer:
God, I pray that you will release a priestly anointing that people will have encounters with You, that they will draw near to you and minister to Your heart as the Old Testament priests were called to do. I pray You would release the prophetic anointing to release dreams, visions and encounters and the supernatural voice of God that people would know what to do, how to do it and where to go. I pray that they would release the power of God and touch people’s lives. Lord, I pray for the Kingly anointing that people will walk in the anointing of signs, wonders and miracles and authority over the devil, over the demonic, over sickness, sin, disease and and administrate Your perfect will and love of God on the Earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ name.
Watch the trailer for Jerame Nelson’s “Kingdom Lab” for more in-depth training to release Heaven on Earth.