It's Time to RE-DIG the Wells of REVIVAL (3min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
Learn more about “The Wells of Revival” with Jerame Nelson from Fire & Glory Outpouring Night 1089!
We desperately need to re-dig the wells of revival in this nation and all over the world. When it feels like the bottom is falling out of society with calamity and corruption, we know it’s time for an awakening. Let’s stand together and believe God for a mighty nationwide revival— a revival that will touch this planet like never before.
How do we re-dig the wells? Let’s look to some of the past moves of the Spirit.
“Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them.” Genesis 26:18
Just like Isaac re-dug the wells of His father Abraham, I believe that we need to believe and contend for another revival to sweep our nation—another Azusa Street, another Welsh revival, another Jesus People movement. It’s time to pray like you’ve never prayed before. Our world is ripe to see a Jesus revolution sparked, where people know Christ and are set on fire so that we may overcome present-day darkness. There may be trash and dirt hiding the living water that God wants to release. The church has been watering down the gospel to make it a message to the modern man. We need the supernatural and the power of God. We need Jesus. Once we remove the dirt and trash, we become a well of revival refreshing others.
In every major move of God, there was always breakthrough in a season of darkness or corruption or lack of moral standards.
I pray that the manifest presence will come into your home, workplace, campus, wherever you are reading this right now and that God will give you a glorious burden to pray for revival like we’ve seen in the days of old. We need the spirit of revival, which is the Holy Ghost. Revival doesn’t have to look the same as the past moves. It will be an awakening for this day!
Now is the time to believe for revival! Just like Isaac let’s re-dig the wells of revival.
Receive this prayer:
I pray right now that God will give you hunger, that God would stir your spirit, that you would have a prayer life like never before, that it would be on-fire and passionate about Jesus. I pray that there would be a move of the Spirit that would start with the people of God in their homes, in their living rooms and would spread all over the Earth and overtake cities, regions and nations. In Jesus’ name.
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