How Do I Know if a Dream is from God? (4min)


Article by Jerame Nelson

Dreams release direction for life. I believe it’s important that we pay attention.

Do you know that Jesus’ life was saved because his father, Joseph, had a dream! God can give you a directional dream on where to go or how to be successful. He also gives dreams to avoid pitfalls so that you can walk out your destiny and the enemy can’t touch you. I believe more people need to get the counsel of God in their life through dreams and visions! 

To learn more about dreams, check out Jerame’s FREE 6-part Elisha School series “Activating Your Dream Language.”

“In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
he may speak in their ears
and terrify them with warnings,
to turn them from wrongdoing
and keep them from pride,
to preserve them from the pit,
their lives from perishing by the sword.”

Job 33:15-18 NIV

How do you know a dream is from God? Which dreams should you pay attention to? Here are three ways you know a dream is from God:

1. His presence will be in the dream.

You’ll experience the peace and joy you feel when you’re in the presence of God in your dream.

2. It will line up with Scripture.

Dreams from Heaven will always align with the Word or principles that come from Scripture.

3. Your dream will align with what God has already been speaking to you.

“This will be the third time I am coming to you. “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” 2 Corinthians 13:1 NJKV

I find that a lot of times a God dream will come when He’s already been speaking to me about something. He will give me a dream to confirm what He’s already been speaking.

For more in-depth teaching on dreams, purchase Jerame’s $10 book, “Activating Your Dream Language” today!

When you receive a dream from Heaven, the grace of God will empower you to pull off the dream. I want to encourage you to not get familiar with the prophetic. Ask God for dreams and visions and when He gives them to you, value them because they carry an anointing of breakthrough! 

Keep it simple…

Dreams are a significant way God speaks to His people! Ask God for dreams. When you dream, look for His presence, find scripture that lines up with it and see if it aligns with what God has already been speaking to you! 

Receive Jerame’s prayer for God dreams!