3 Ways to Increase Your Anointing (3min)


Article by Jerame Nelson

God wants us to learn how to develop the anointing He has placed on our lives.  When Jesus makes His home in your heart and you are baptized with the Spirit, the Spirit of God is within you. He doesn’t just want you to have the Spirit within you. God wants the anointing, the Spirit of God, to rest upon you. 

“But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.” 1 John 2:20 NIV 

The word anointing is “charisma.” Charisma has to do with personality. If you have ever seen a president or a preacher speak with great authority and wisdom and captivate the audience, we say that that individual speaks with charisma! The charisma of God is when His captivating personality rubs off on you. If you want God to rub off on you, you have to spend time with Him.

1. Spend Time with Jesus

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:16-18 NIV

God wants us to learn how to spend time in prayer and wait on Him.  

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 NIV

It’s in that place of stillness and waiting on His presence that the saturation of His anointing comes upon us. The anointing rewrites your story. When you spend time with Him in prayer, in worship and in intimacy, He rubs off on you and your nature is changed. For example, if you were once easily worried or fearful, when you begin to hang out with Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah rubs off on you. When you hang out with Boldness long enough, it will break the yoke of fear and you will become like Him. People won’t even recognize you! 

2. Use the Anointing

Listen to “Introduction to the Healing Anointing” (Ep. 17) from the Elisha School Podcast with Jerame Nelson.

If you want to see the healing anointing come stronger in your life, you have to pray for the sick. If you want to see an increase in the prophetic, you have to open your mouth and prophesy. Practice the gifts. Study those gifts out. Press into the realm that you want to walk in. When I first got saved, I wanted to walk in healing and miracles so I read every book on healing and miracles. I watched great sermons on healing and miracles to increase my hunger and develop that healing anointing in my life. Study the Word and study the generals, but know that your anointing can’t just increase by study alone. You must put action to it!

3. Live a Life of Intimacy with the Lord

Watch “Draw Near” with Jerame Nelson from Night 1528 of the the Fire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego, CA!

You have to maintain your anointing with a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus. Many times, people get hungry for their own fame. They want what God does through them instead of just wanting Him. Check your heart motive. Ask yourself, “Why am I pressing into God? Is it just to get an anointing and be seen by people or is it because I love Him, I want to know Him more and out of that place, I want to reveal His love to others?” Let the motive of your heart be intimacy with Him. Let that place of encounter be real.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you…” James 4:8 NIV

Part of developing the anointing is praying in the spirit. It’s worship, It’s reading the Word. Meditation brings revelation and revelation brings manifestation. Study the Bible where there’s supernatural happenings. Find them, study them and read them over and over again. It will develop within you a hunger for His anointing and more importantly, a hunger for Him. 

Keep It Simple…

When you have a pure heart to know God, you spend time with Him and He will rub His anointing off on You. Study the scriptures and use the anointing to help it grow. Once it grows, maintain a lifestyle of intimacy with Jesus and check your motive. Make your motive intimacy with Him. 

Watch the trailer to “The Kingdom” Elisha Lab with Jerame and Miranda Nelson, available for purchase today!