The Power of Your WORDS 🗣 (3min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
Your words are powerful. In Luke 17, Jesus is teaching His disciples about faith.
“He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6 NIV
When you look at a mustard seed, it is one of the smallest seeds. Jesus is showing us that just a little bit of faith can do a whole lot of stuff.
If you will believe, step out on a limb in faith and take a risk then what happens is that impossibility is plucked up out of the ground. Mountains will be moved.
I think it’s interesting that Jesus is talking about uprooting a mulberry tree. How many of you know that there may be things in your heart that need to be uprooted. Things like insecurities, lies that you have believed or ungodly beliefs (anything and everything that goes against the Word of God that tries to tear you down or make you feel less than a son or daughter of God).
We need to speak to the root of fear, anger, doubt, sickness or disease. We need to speak to the lesser things that are rooted and grounded in our lives. Maybe they’re there because of culture. Some people might not want to step into the fullness of joy because they will look undignified. Know this: Sometimes you have to lose your dignity to know God more. God wants us to speak to things that are hindering us from boldness.
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:39 NIV
It’s impossible to love others if we don’t love ourselves. A lot of people are struggling with self-hatred. Some of you need to prophesy over yourself in the mirror every single day and speak life! Say things like. “I love you and I give you permission to make mistakes because when you make mistakes you’ll gain wisdom and advance in life.”
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21 NIV
Stop saying “we’re stupid” or “we’ll never have finances.” Start prophesying the opposite: “I have the mind of Christ. I am brilliant. I am not sick. I am healed. I command the root of sickness to get out of my body.” Others need to start prophesying and speaking over your children and over those who have fallen away. Uproot them out of the world’s system and plant them by the spirit into the things of God. Watch as the one who leaves the 99 goes after the one and brings them back into the Kingdom.
Keep It Simple…
Your words are powerful. Choose them well!
Words of life will uproot and cause things to shift. Mountains will be thrown into the sea. Things that shouldn’t be rooted in your heart will be uprooted and the seeds of the Kingdom will be planted and flourish in your life!
Watch the trailer for “The Power to Dispel Darkness” online lab!
Did you know that Elisha Revolution has launched Elisha Labs? Elisha Labs started with a dream God gave to Jerame Nelson where he was wearing a lab coat, working on formulas like a mad scientist. When he woke up, God started speaking to him about starting labs that would activate and equip believers to develop their supernatural identity and authority! If you want to dive deeper into understanding your authority as a son or daughter of the Most High, check out Jerame Nelson and Robert Henderson’s Elisha Lab on “The Power to Dispel Darkness.”