The Pioneers are Rising! (3min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
On Yom Kippur 2022, I saw a vision of Jesus dressed like a pioneer, wearing a cowboy hat. I saw a huge rattlesnake slither up. Jesus took out a shovel and chopped the head off the rattlesnake and it died right there on the spot! Right after He did that, Jesus looked up at me and smiled.
In my spirit, I knew Jesus was saying, “Jerame, there is a new generation of pioneers that are rising up. They are not going to be afraid of the devil, but the devil is going to be afraid of them. They are going to dismantle the lies that have been rattling around in a generation’s head and they are going to establish the Kingdom of God.”
Watch the complete message “New Generation of Pioneers” with Jerame Nelson from Night 1552 of the the Fire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego, CA!
Pioneers get a vision from God and they go for it, for the glory of the King.
When God starts to move, there is a pioneering spirit that is released. There must be trailblazers that shift culture and move from the thing that was and into a new thing. We are in a place right now in the church where the only way we will get our breakthrough is if God does it. He will receive all the glory. In the last season, there were too many people who were taking the glory. We don’t need entertainment, we need the anointing of God. We need His Presence. Real worshippers give glory to God. They know they are simply the one connecting people’s hands with God’s hands. It’s about His plan.
There are two different types that fight against the pioneers: the devil and the church. When something new is rising up, may times the old tries to come against it. The comfortable ones don’t like the shift. Many religious folk stay in a place of stagnancy and wander around the same mountain for another 40 years. Instead of moving forward and advancing the Kingdom, they get further from the destiny that the Lord has called the church to. I am believing that the church rising will be alive, on fire and will not be stopped. When the enemy tries to do something. Booom! That head of the rattlesnake is gonna roll.
Pioneers celebrate what God is doing.
The pioneering spirit is willing to forge ahead, but also recognize other pioneers. I’ve heard people say that it’s lonely to be a pioneer. It is, until you find other pioneers. Find some people who are willing to do new things. The Fire and Glory Outpouring has been going strong for 7 years because we have a group of pioneers who are willing to do new things. God wants to raise up a whole generation like this, His burning ones that have a pliable mindset.
Pioneers have the grit for resistance.
We’re not pioneering our idea, we’re pioneering His plan. Pioneers are willing to say, “Yes!” even in hardship and persecution because they are moving forward in obedience to God’s plan. Pioneers don’t get hung up on what others think or say about them. They honor Jesus, their Best Friend. When you walk with God, many may not approve of you, but it doesn’t matter when you know that your Father loves you. God is looking for people who will move past the resistance to honor His voice. He’s looking for people who love Him more than their call, their destiny, money and family.
Pioneers have been with Jesus.
“The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.” Joshua 33:11
In a whole generation of spectators who kept their distance from Moses, Joshua was in the Presence. He was in the middle of the action with Moses.
“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5 NIV
When Joshua became leader, was not like Moses but he had to convince an entire generation to step into the new thing. Joshua knew that God was in him and on him. Joshua didn’t have a rod in his hand like Moses. He had a rod in his mouth. When Moses didn’t obey the new thing God was doing, Joshua arose. You see, Moses tried to do a new thing in an old way. In Numbers 20, God told Moses to speak to the rock. God was trying to give Moses, an old guy, an opportunity to do a new thing, but Moses couldn’t get passed the old form. Moses went from giving glory to God to taking credit for what God had done. That’s when God rose up Joshua. Joshua and his entire generation struck Jericho with the rod of their mouths. Walls were crushed and cities were taken. God wasn’t looking for one guy. God was looking for an entire generation who would see the breakthroughs of heaven. It took all of them in obedience together to strike down Jericho and enter the Promised Land.
Keep It Simple…
It’s time for an entire generation of pioneers to arise. They will be the ones who have been with Jesus, know His plan and radically obey His voice. The pioneers arise to give God glory, cut off the lies of the enemy in their generation and connect people with the love of the Father.
We were born for such a time is this. It's time for the church to rise up and use our God-given authority to shine the light of His glory and dispel darkness everywhere we go. Join Robert Henderson and Jerame Nelson for this 2-day training lab which will include in-depth teachings, ministry time, and Q&A with Robert and Jerame!