You Are a Supernatural Gateway to Heaven! (4min)


Article by Jerame Nelson

Did you know that you are created to be a supernatural gateway from Heaven to Earth?

When Jesus walked the Earth, He lived in two realms at once. He was on Earth doing everyday life but at the same time, He was constantly tapped in to the voice of His Father in Heaven. Everywhere Jesus went, miracles were breaking out and supernatural signs and wonders were taking place. He was speaking life to the hurting and the dying. His Source was the Holy Ghost. Even though Jesus was walking around Earth, He was connected as a supernatural gateway to His Father in Heaven to bring a supernatural Kingdom that had not been seen before.

Check out Jerame Nelson’s “How to Enter the Kingdom” message from Fire & Glory Outpouring Night 1412!

It goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden. God took the dust of the Earth and breathed into it and man was created. When He created man, man had a dual nature. He was wired for two worlds at the same time. Adam walked in that lifestyle at the beginning. God placed Adam in the garden of Eden which means “place of pleasure and delight.”

You were created to live in pleasure and delight with your Father. God has wired you to tap into the supernatural as well as the natural realm. Just like we have five senses in the natural, we have those same five senses in the supernatural realm as well.

Listen to Ep. 26 of Elisha School Podcast “Supernatural Lifestyle Under an Open Heaven.”

Everywhere Jesus went, He was showing us what it looks like to tap into that Kingdom realm. God wants to visit His people. Jesus wants to move through you. He wants to release signs and wonders through your life. Where there is darkness, He wants you to bring His supernatural kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

Remember when Nicodemus came to Jesus at night in John 3 and he said, “Rabbi, we know that you are sent from God.” This Pharisee came to Jesus and asked Him how He did these miracles.

“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

“How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.” John 3:3-5 NIV

Get activated to live under the full benefits of an open heaven. Purchase your copy of “Living Under an Open Heaven” on Kindle today!

Jesus describes these the natural and spiritual realms. Being born again means receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior so you can enter the Kingdom of God. When a child is born in the natural, there is a breaking of water. In the spirit, you need to be born again because when Adam fell in the Garden, the spiritual gateway the connection to God the Father was plunged into darkness. Man lost that glory nature and the supernatural realm. When Jesus, the second Adam, died on the cross and rose again from the dead and came into our hearts as His people, He reestablished that supernatural gateway so that you can manifest Heaven on Earth. 

Keep It Simple…

We are called to live in two realms at one time! Like Jesus, we are created to live in a place of pleasure with our Father and release Heaven on Earth as we live our daily lives. A life in intimacy with the Holy Spirit allows us to stay connected with the Father and release His love to the world around us.