3 Ways to Fellowship with Holy Spirit (4min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
The Holy Spirit is not some mystical force. He is not weird goose bumps or a tickle you get when you’re at church. The Holy Spirit is a person and He wants to be with you! Here are three ways to develop rich fellowship with the Holy Spirit:
Watch Jerame’s message “Intimacy with God” from Night 1488 from the Fire and Glory Outpouring in San Diego!
1. Develop God-consciousness.
Paul said to “pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess. 5:17) God-consciousness is the constant awareness that God is with you ALL the time. That is a crazy thought! He is literally with you at all times. God doesn’t want us to compartmentalize our relationship with Him. I believe that many believers have developed this “devotional syndrome.” The only time they spend with God is the one hour a day they set aside for Him. God is not looking for one hour of your schedule. He is looking for friends. God wants conversations with you. He wants to talk about the things that are on His heart with you. You might be typing away at work or super busy but you can still be talking to Him all throughout your day. In the midst of taking a break, talk to Him. When I’m taking a break from writing, I like to stop and connect with Him. I say things like, “I love you, Holy Spirit. What are you thinking about right now?” When you do this you start to develop an intimate relationship with Him. I’ve noticed that this discipline of God-consciousness will even overflow into your other relationships! I’m about 10 years into this lifestyle and God has began to even tell me His heart for others or give me warnings when I meet people. Holy Spirit wants to share His heart with you too! Practice being constantly aware of the One who never leaves you.
2. Invite the Holy Spirit when you read the Word.
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,” Ephesians 1:17-18 NIV
If you want the scriptures to open up and you desire more revelation to flow, invite the Holy Spirit to help you when you read the Bible! When I open up to read the Word of God, I say a pray like this from the scripture above: “Lord, give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Lord, open up my eyes that I may see Your perspective when I’m reading, not from man’s perspective. I want a heavenly perspective. I invite you to open up the Word and give me fresh manna for today!” When I pray that way, I usually see the Word in a new way. Instead of me striving to read, I’m actually reading with God. Many times, He will highlight a certain scripture and I will meditate on it. Then, the verse will explode fresh revelation into my spirit. Stay in the Word!
3. Pray in the Holy Spirit.
But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Jude 1:20-21
What if the enemy had a plan to attack you one day, but he was stopped before he could even deploy the attack? That’s one of the things that praying in the Spirit does! When we pray in the Spirit, Holy Spirit prays on our behalf regarding solutions for problems we don’t even see! Receive this prayer from Jerame!
God gave a fool-proof plan when He sent Jesus to die on the cross, raise from the dead and then put the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. When you don’t know what to pray or how to pray, remember that God put the Holy Spirit inside of you and He knows how to pray. When God laid out the blueprint for you life, the Holy Spirit was there! Holy Spirit knows the predetermined will of God for your life. At least 30 minutes a day, if you have the gift of tongues, start praying. As you pray in tongues, your mind is unfruitful, you don’t know what you are praying, but your spirit connects with the Father and the Holy Spirit prays the perfect will on your behalf. Before the enemy can attack, the Holy Spirit already dispatchs angels and you didn’t even know it. That’s what happens when you are faithful to pray in tongues, read the word and build your relationship with the Holy Spirit!
Keep it Simple…
If you want more intimacy with the Holy Spirit, become aware that He is always with you. Ask Him to illuminate the Bible to you! Pray in tongues! When you develop fresh intimacy with the Holy Spirit, you will begin to live Heaven on Earth!
Watch the trailer to the “7 Spirits of God” Elisha Lab with Jerame Nelson and Ivan Roman, available for purchase today! This lab takes an in-depth look at the anointing of the Holy Spirit that rested upon the life and ministry of Jesus.