Why Aren't People Getting Healed When I Pray? (4min)
Article by Jerame Nelson
Have you ever prayed for somebody’s healing and you didn’t see the results you were praying for? How do you respond in these situations?
I get asked these questions often during Fire & Glory Outpouring meetings and when I speak at healing conferences around the world. Here are two important things I remind everybody who asks me, “Why aren’t people getting healed when I pray for them?”
Mindset #1 - The Motivation Is Love
The first thing we have to keep in mind when praying for people to get healed is that our motivation must be love. Why does God heal? Because He loves. Our job is simply to get our hands on people, and it’s God’s job to heal them.
Our life is an extension of His hands and His supernatural power. I believe that when we grow in our intimacy with God and pray with love as the motivation, the miracles will start to flow.
Mindset #2 - Something Always Happens When You Pray
The second thing we have to remember when you don’t see the healing right away is that you can’t pray for someone without something happening. If the person is not healed instantly, we are sowing love and faith into their life.
Do you remember when Jesus prayed for ten lepers and only one came back to give glory to God? It says in Luke 17:14, “as they went, they were cleansed.” Jesus did not see all ten healed. It was in the act of going to show themselves to the priests that the lepers received healing. The one that came back to give Jesus glory shared the news of their healing and as he went from Jesus the second time, I believe He was completely restored.
Luke 17:17-19 — Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
Watch Jerame’s powerful sermon on healing power from Fire & Glory Outpouring Night 1280!
I’ve learned that many times when I pray for somebody’s healing, the miracle happens later and I never hear of the report. In fact, I believe God will intentionally conceal the report from us because if we saw a healing every single time we prayed for somebody, we probably would have an issue with humility.
I also know that obedience to His voice is key to growing in the miraculous. I’ve had meetings where every single person He’s told me to pray for is healed. That does not mean every person in the meeting. Sometimes that looks like two people. Sometimes it’s hundreds.
Don’t Overcomplicate It…
Instead of overcomplicating it, I keep it simple. My job is to lay hands on them in obedience and love them well, but it’s God’s job to do the healing.
If I get upset when they don’t get healed, it means I’m taking credit for when they do.
Remember this: Intimacy with God and obedience to His voice releases the manifestation of His healing power. The next time you ask yourself “Why aren’t the people I’m praying for getting healed?” check your motive and remind yourself that there is always something happening when you pray.
Use promo code “LOVEOFGOD” to get $5 off Jerame’s book, “Manifesting God’s Love through Signs, Wonders and Miracles” today!
I hope this article serves as encouragement to you on your journey to be one who carries the healing power of Jesus everywhere you go! To learn more and get in-depth equipping on supernaturally manifesting God’s love, get my book, “Manifesting God’s Love through Signs, Wonders and Miracles.” Use promo code “LOVEOFGOD” to get $5 off today!